New Requirement for Buildings

Every building with more than two floors coming up must now have special amenities for the disabled, according to proposed building regulations.

The new draft code published on Friday in the Kenya Gazette notice for public input states that residential buildings with over two floors must have lifts, ramps, special toilets and vehicle parking slots reserved for people with disability (PWDs).

“All buildings shall be planned for use by PWDs and this includes an access with no stairs, steps, kerbs, steep ramp, door or a doorway that would impede a passage of a wheelchair or access by a person living with disability,” states the regulations.

According to the new code, a new building shall be designed in a manner that facilitates access to the building, and to the use of its facilities, by a person living with a disability.

“At least one parking or one percent of parking space whichever is greater shall be reserved as a parking space for differently-abled,” says the code.

“A lift shall be provided for every floor to facilitate access by people living with disability,” it adds. – Business Daily