The Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) and Habitat for Humanity International have launched guidelines to educate the industry players and the general public on the relationship between housing and health, and the various elements one needs to look out for when planning to build or rent a home.
The “Healthy Homes Guidelines and Checklist” provides a list of 15 factors to consider in order to create a healthy house as well as a matrix that can be filled out and tallied to determine the health of a particular home. They offer architectural guidelines that will make all types of houses, even those in informal settlements, resistant to COVID-19 and future pandemics.
Speaking during the launch, Principal Secretary, State Department for Public Works Mr Solomon Kitungu, who was the Chief Guest, noted that the pandemic had exposed the soft underbelly of Kenya’s housing situation, especially in informal settlements.
“As we navigate the third year of the pandemic and adapt to the new normal, combining the Right to the City, the Right to Housing, and the Right to Health puts us one step closer to building back better as we leave no one or no place behind. The pandemic changed the status quo, and we must adapt or perish. With more activities happening at home than the traditional definition, there is a need to redefine, redesign, and reimagine how buildings and homes should be constructed or redesigned post the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Mr Kitungu.
The guidelines are cognisant of the fact that most builders are self-builders who engage artisans and unqualified contractors. They provide the minimum standard which should be adhered to during construction and renovation and can guide the vetting of already constructed homes.
“It is therefore important that these guidelines are cascaded to reach these persons so they have health in mind as they construct houses in Kenya. We firmly believe that this intervention will improve the housing situation in this country and will greatly support the government’s plan to roll out massive affordable housing programs”, said Mr David Gaitho, Chairman, National Construction Authority (NCA).
The guidelines are coming at a critical time when the country has been experiencing a rampant collapse of buildings.
“We call upon the construction regulators- county governments, the National Construction Authority, the National Building Inspectorate, and the National Environment Management Authority – to work with the private sector and professionals to bring an end to this menace. AAK is willing to work with all the stakeholders in implementing the Healthy Homes Guidelines and Checklist and help solve this peril while promoting professionalism and integrity in the built and natural environment”, said AAK President Arch Wilson Mugambi.
The launch follows the signing of a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between AAK and Habitat for Humanity International in which both parties expressed their willingness to engage in an effort to promote innovations in shelter, adoption, and popularization of healthy housing best practices through joint research and information sharing targeting households, built environment professionals, artisans, and policymakers.