After a successful first edition, the authors of Building in Kenya: A Real Estate Developer’s Toolkit, have launched the second edition of their handbook.
Emma Miloyo and Robyn Emerson launched the book during their regular event, Mjengo Clinic, which brings together persons with an interest in the real estate industry.
A host of well-known industry practitioners graced the latest edition of Mjengo Clinic at CTM Ngong Road, Nairobi. They included Kenya Green Building Society President Nasra Nanda, Sustainable Design Architect Etta Madete and “Don’t Buy That House” Author Nashon Okowa.
The topic for discussion was “Financing Your Building Project”.
“Sustainability is not a fad and not for developers to access funds but for the people who will be living in the homes to have healthy and dignified living”, said Ms Madete. “You will reap the benefits of green building later with the quality of your development.”
“I’m glad that the new edition of the book has a green chapter for all the developers who don’t want to just build but to make an impact on sustainable development,” noted Ms Nanda.
Nashon Okowa repeated his caution to home buyers that they should accept milestone payments only instead of being trapped in a monthly or such other payment regime.